Short facts of our services

In our service section you will find information on the following subjects


Our Company.
For information on our consultancy services please read our Company Profile.
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Quality improvement

Can knowledge gained from the general business literature be transformed to the medical domain ?
We believe the answer is yes! The view often advocated in the medical world is that knowledge from the general business literature does not apply to management in the medical field. On the contrary, knowledge gained from the business literature can easily be transformed to the medical domain.
It is the rule rather than the exception. It is our intention in a series of white papers and executive summaries to review and discuss the management literature and transform the messages from the literature to meaningful advice for the medical domain

On quality.
This white paper describes our belief in general quality improving using a simple case. It describes why it is important - especially in health care organizations - to take a look at "total-quality" and not only the bottom performing units. It is tempting to focus on the bottom but it does by far deliver the intended result.....  Read more >

Error management - adverse effect reporting
To declare that implementing an error management program in an organization used to Knowledge Management strategies is a piece of cake is maybe pushing the arguments to extremes, but it is hard to deny that there are sticking similarities between error management and Knowledge Management.
Read our paper Knowledge Management as a tool to reduce errors. The paper describes in short the philosophy behind our adverse effect reporting system that currently is in beta test at two facilities.
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The EQK-pyramid (Error-Quality-Knowledge).
Setting the three “managements terms” – Error Management, Quality Management and Knowledge Management – into the concept of the three major challenges for the healthcare sector - do no harm, give the best treatment available and do it as efficiently as possible - one could simplify the meaning of the terms.
The Error Management is simply the management approach to minimize the number of errors.
The Quality Management is simply the management approach to maximize the number of opportunities for patients to chose and receive state of the art treatment and finally
Knowledge Management is the management approach to optimize and develop the overall performance of the organization. We call this the EQK-pyramid (Error-Quality-Knowledge)
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Project management

The need for project management
When a project is no longer on track and the project escalates the executive needs strategies and tactics to turn the project around (if possible) or stop it (if necessary). The problem is that in many cases, executives become so strongly wedded to a particular project, technology or process that they find themselves continuing when they should pull out. Resulting in accelerated pouring in more resources
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Knowledge management

Strategic and operational knowledge management
Strategic knowledge management consists of the 3 cornerstones Structure & processes, People & motivations and Market & strategy. Adding the fourth cornerstone Knowledge & systems from Operational knowledge management and make all four elements work together one have a value-based knowledge management approach.......  Read more >

Managing innovative groups.
When one is engaged in processes aiming to improve the quality of the production or even new production in an organization the need for innovative ideas is imperative. One of the main challenges is how one can form groups aiming to be innovative. When the group is formed the challenge is how one manages such a group. The question is then: How can groups engage in "development and expressing novel ideas that are likely to be useful"?.......  Read more >


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